Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 2 Ox Lit Fest. A.C Grayling + +

So far, Sunday has been the best day - for me.  I was looking forward to hearing the philosophy professor, A.C. Grayling speak.  He was timetabled for the Sheldonian Theatre - which in itself is an experience.  Another stunning building, built in circular form, yellow sandstone - its everywhere here, and all those huge carved heads along the railings.  (Round to the tourist office later for some data on it..? after the coffee of course..)

Anyhow, bang on twelve A.C. came striding in, long silver hair, dark suit, spectacles, every inch the modern philosopher.  He spoke, without a pause, for over an hour and he was riviting.  He was there to tell us about his latest book "The Good Book" which he has written as a 'secular bible'. Its a 'thoughtful non-religious alternative to the Bible.

There is hardly a section of world history, from pre Christian to ancient civilizations of east and west, through Greeks, ancient Rome, right up to discoveries of 20th century thinking, that he hasn't covered.  It would be a book to have forever, and if you got through it, and retained even half of it, well you can just imagine.

The atmosphere was hushed, the audience spellbound as he talked and explained his thinking in writing it.  I loved every minute and felt privileged to be there.

Then it was on in the afternoon, to Fay Weldon and Patrick Bailey, who were fun and interesting too.  But more of them later.

Today it's Shakespere  A Cultural History at 4.30, followed by Peter Atkins "On Being. A Scientists Exploration of the Great Questions of Existence"  Will I be able for all this?  Well it looks good written down, and then I can run to the tent for the free gin after!  Ah me..

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