Saturday, October 30, 2010

My First Post

Hi Everyone.

This is my first blog .  Im Nuala Smith and I live in Dublin.  I am doing a most interesting course in DCU which is called Intergenerational Learning Process. We are each assigned a student from DCU who is able to smooth out all our problems, such as when wireless WONT work AT ALL....They are all WIZARDS and can fix the most appaling snarl up in a couple of seconds!!!!  Wonderful folk.

Ive been lucky enough to be assigned a very clever man named David  Leonard Scully who can press any key and there it is, sorted.  So my suggestion is to Apple or Microsoft or even Google, just - with each new computer sold, just supply a David with it, and we will all buy one of those!  Yes, that's my bright idea for today.  Cheers Folks, Im a fully paid up BLOGGER.  Horray!!